Have you ever wondered what it takes to have a healthy and happy canine companion with a cute name? Do you have lots of time and are looking for the perfect dog care checklist? If so, the New Dog Checklist is for you! Professional trainers and veterinarians compiled this list to provide quality advice to new owners. Using this list as your guide will ensure that your new canine companion is living up to its potential and actual enjoyment for as long as possible. Enjoy!
1- First and foremost, get your new dog vaccinated! The Rabies vaccine is essential for your dog’s health and should be administered within the first year of its life. Although not mandatory, other vaccines like the Parvo and Distemper vaccines should be allocated to dogs that go out in public frequently, like at shows or around other dogs (at parks, pet stores, etc.), to protect them from infectious diseases. Make sure you keep records of each vaccine given!
2- While waiting for the puppy to be vaccinated, ensure it gets some potty training. You don’t want to be at home going, “Oh no! Did they eat the dog food or something?” when you finally get home from work. Besides, the more you train your new pup, the more it will respect you and treat you as the leader. It’s a lot of fun to watch them grow up.
3- Dog grooming is an essential part of your pet’s health. Dogs with long hair have a higher risk of being attacked by other dogs thanks to their ability to hide in there. So, trimming down their hair would help them easily avoid those thingies. Make sure you dust them with the proper grain and that they eat the food they need.
4- Several diseases can be spread through dogs, like rabies, canine parvo, distemper, parvovirus and heartworm. These diseases are dangerous not only to dogs but to humans as well. Therefore, make sure your puppy gets a complete checkup after 12 weeks of age and gets any shots it may require if needed. Also, ensure your dog is spayed or neutered by their first birthday!
5- A healthy dog should be able to run around up to three times its body weight and have high energy levels. If you’re training your dog, plan your training sessions accordingly. If your dog needs more energy than it can get from running around, take it for a walk and enjoy the experience!
6- Regular exercise is just as important as regular grooming. Make sure your puppy has time to stretch its legs every day outside, and it gets enough time to run around at the park or wherever you go. By providing them with this kind of exercise, you will be able to enjoy the company of your new best friend and not feel like a terrible owner.