Saturday, 15 February, 2025

How To Keep Dwarf Angora Rabbits

The Dwarf Angora Rabbit makes a great pet because it is very trusting and easy to care for. In addition, it is small, beautiful and also relatively calm. Do you have kids and live in a city apartment, it could be just the thing for your family!

With its long, silky coat, the Dwarf Angora Rabbit is one of the most popular pets, especially in city apartments! 

We want to tell you more about its keeping in our article. Become a responsible pet owner!

Characteristics of the Dwarf Angora Rabbits

The dwarf Angora rabbit has been around since the mid-18th century in France. The Family of Angora Rabbits has several subspecies, but they are all quite similar and have a fuzzy, light-coloured coat. On average, the munchkins weigh 4 kg.

It should be mentioned that rabbits can reproduce at any time of the year because females do not have a specific heat time.

Dwarf Angora rabbit is a peace-loving and quiet companion that is easy to tame and lives from 7 to 9 years. That is why it is very popular as a pet for children.

Care for the Dwarf Angora Rabbits

If you want to keep a dwarf angora rabbit, then as a responsible pet owner, you should pay attention to some care needs. So the animal has a better quality of life and also lives longer.

1. Brush Your Dwarf Angora Rabbit Frequently.

It is important to brush your rabbit regularly. His fur is so long that it accumulates quickly. Therefore, the rabbit may eat it and get sick from it.

Brush it two to three times a week, and it won’t leave fur fluff all over the house or piles of fur in the cage.

2. Food

The Dwarf Angora Rabbit is its herbivore, feeding on fruits, vegetables and greens. It must be fed these three types of food along with its dry food. You can get hay and greens at the pet store, which it needs daily.

It is best to give it several smaller rations instead of filling its food bowl to the brim. It won’t eat all of it right away, and so mould and bad odours can occur.

You should try out which fruits and vegetables taste best to your Rabbit and consult with your veterinarian about how often and in what quantity he may enjoy his treats.

3. Cage

The place where your dwarf angora rabbit will spend most of their time should be comfortable and big enough for them. They may not grow as big as other rabbits, but they also grow when they are young.

So if you are adopting a young animal, keep in mind when buying the cage that your rabbit is still growing and will need a cage that he will enjoy spending time in even as an adult.

Dwarf Angora rabbits don’t like it too hot (more than 30 degrees) or too cold (less than 10 degrees). They need plenty of ventilation and room in the cage to hop or play when they feel like it.

4. Teeth

As with all rodents, the Dwarf Angora Rabbit’s nail teeth continue to grow throughout their lives. In order to grind them down, they need certain objects and food. If you do not provide them with these, they can develop serious health problems.

Give them a piece of wood to gnaw on and also make sure that their food includes hard pieces, such as carrots or special rodent food.

5. Hygiene

Hygiene in the rabbit hutch is fundamental because bacteria and dirt quickly accumulate there, causing stench and increasing the risk of disease. Clean up feces and food scraps daily, and also don’t forget to give him fresh water every day.

Of course it is very important that the animal is clean. It will clean itself, but you should also wipe it carefully with a damp cloth. Also, trim its claws every now and then so that it doesn’t hurt itself.

Keeping a dwarf angora rabbit is not very complicated, but you will have to invest a little time and love to make this beautiful shaggy animal feel comfortable.