Saturday, 15 February, 2025

Understanding Strabismus In Dogs

Strabismus is an eye disorder in which the eyes point in the opposite direction, rather than the eyes facing forward and parallel to the nose. The internal turning of the eyes is known to as esotropia, or cross-eyed. The external turning of the eye is known to as exotropia or walleyed.  Only the direction of the eye is affected; the position of the eye within the socket stays normal.

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What Causes Strabismus In Dogs?

Two major factors which are responsible for canine strabismus can be identified as:

Congenital causes: in this case, the dog is born with a condition caused by an alteration in the extraocular muscles. Pug is a breed that is predisposed to congenital strabismus.

Acquired causes: Strabismus happens in the course of a dog’s life. In this case, strabismus can be caused by trauma, cancers, nervous disorders involving the extraocular muscles or vestibular system disorders.

Signs And Symptoms

Adult dogs are often more prone by signs of strabismus than young dogs. Young dogs can be screened for vision screening in order to identify problems early. Common signs and symptoms are the following:

  • Turned or crossed eye
  • Squinting
  • Double vision (rare)
  • Head tilt or turn

Managing Strabismus In Dogs

If you notice the positioning problems in your puppy’s eyes make an appointment with the veterinarian promptly. In dogs, the disorder is sometimes congenital. In certain cases, little more than facial appearance is affected. However, puppies can develop strabismus for a variety of other causes, including eye muscle scarring. If your little pup has strabismus, veterinarians sometimes handle the problem by discovering the cause taking action first.

Treating Strabismus In Dogs

The treatment choices for strabismus in dogs are based on the underlying cause of the condition. In dogs if the disorder is inherited, treatment is usually not needed as the condition is mainly superficial in nature – it does not impair the dog’s ability to see and does not cause much harm. In situations where the disease is caused by inflammation or scar tissue, surgery may be required to resolve the condition. In certain cases, anti-inflammatory treatments may be enough to cure the condition, and the dog may require some therapy to better improve the muscles behind the eye